If You Love What You Do, Say It with Confidence

Full disclosure: I was inspired to write this because I I know that if I put it on paper (or screen in this case), I will have to follow my own advice. So in advance, thank you for entertaining me in my self-conditioning.

I have failed to say what I do confidently more times than I can count. Simultaneously, I love what I do.

Let me say again; I LOVE WHAT I DO.

I spent years of punching the clock: arriving at 9:00 am, leaving at 5:00 pm, dreading waking up, dreading dealing with certain people, dreading the time I knew that I would be wasting while watching a clock, dreading calling a certain account, dreading telling people to buy something I wouldn’t buy myself, rationalizing to myself that it would all alright, and trying to cope.

At that time, I did not love what I did. In fact, I hated it. I could feel it killing me. I could sense how skills I had developed in previous jobs were diminishing because I didn’t have any passion. I would go home and vent. I would voice my frustrations to others. I would envy others who had the freedom to pursue their passions. I slowly slipped into a mode of mediocrity and accepted the adage that there’s a reason I’m getting paid. Work is not supposed to be fun.

As I neared my breaking point, I had the opportunity to leave that job and focus instead on doing what I love. I was able to build a business around making ideas a reality, working with small businesses to grow their businesses. In effect, I could now pursue my passion, helping other people achieve success. I continue this today, and I love it. It’s perfect for me, and it feels good that I can make a difference in people’s lives, encouraging them to capitalize on their inspiration.

Life is perfect, right? I should be proud, right? I should confidently share what I do to everyone, right? Or at least, I should be able to tell someone my job without feeling shame and breaking eye contact to look at the ground.

Unfortunately, sharing my joy hasn’t been that easy, and I suspect others suffer from a similar dilemma.

What I did not anticipate as I came to live my dream job was that I was on a collision course with the unwritten law of misery solidarity: the societal conditioning of everyone downplaying what they do, so as to not make other people feel uncomfortable. In other words, it’s the practice of all of us complaining or downplaying what we do, even if we like it, because “work sucks.”  After all, if your friends just got done complaining about what they do or their bad day at work, it’s arrogant in turn to tell them how great your day is and how much you love your job. You don’t want to boast, right?

Not exactly.

Unfortunately, in all of this collective misery, you miss out on numerous opportunities to showcase your passion, which, needless to say, is of HUGE value, not only in growing your business/cause/project but in showing the best side of you.

Let’s look at Tony Robbins for example. This is a guy that has achieved enormous success by speaking to large crowds, sharing insights that he has discovered. What is one thing that makes a presentation of his so good? (Consider watching “I’m Not Your Guru” on Netflix if you want to see what I am referring to). It’s his passion!

Many speakers have enormous success by doing little more than combining their passion for a particular subject matter with the subject matter itself, something each attendee could undoubtedly get on his or her own out of a book somewhere.  The speaker’s passion radiates to the audience and inspires them to in turn find their passion. But it isn’t limited to the seminar circuit. Take a tour of the most successful campaigns on KickStarter and IndieGogo. Watch their video and see if you don’t see that their passion is the driving force for their success.

So now it’s your turn. What are you passionate about? Is it a business, a cause, a new project? Do you like, or perhaps even love it?! If so, talk about it!

Sharing your passion might make others feel uncomfortable, but the chances are that one of two things will happen.The person you are talking to is going to reflect on why he or she feels so unhappy with their current situation, analyze what he or she is doing wrong, and realize that he or she must find a passion just as you have. Or, he or she is going to resent you, criticize you, and try to pull you down to his or her level. If you see that the latter form is the case, make a conscious effort to eliminate this negativity from your life. You’re a winner, and winners don’t associate with negative-minded people.

We don’t have the time to waste masking our positive feelings so as to package them into a mold of mediocrity. As Grant Cardone eloquently ordered “Treat average like a terminal disease.” So don’t catch it. If you have it, cure yourself. And if you have struck a nerve doing something that has allowed you to break free of the disease, something that has connected you with your true passion, something that has allowed you to channel your energies, skills, and talents, tell people about it!

Now, say it with confidence!

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